Friday, December 31, 2021





Refdi Madefri, Tatan Sukwika

The results of internal and or external audit assessment on OHS management system (SMK3) performance tend to be volatile in POMU Priuk power plant companies throughout 2015-2019. This research aims to analyze the competence of OHS experts to SMK3 performance. The samples used in this study amounted to 135 people, the data collected in the form of perceptions of OHS experts on competencies (attitudes, knowledge, abilities) and performance smk3. The data analysis method used classical assumption test, regression, determination and hypothesis. The results of the study are known that simultaneously that attitudes, knowledge and abilities are proven to affect the performance of SMK3. The conclusion is that the attitude carried out by OHS experts is not proven to affect performance, on the contrary, the knowledge and capabilities of OHS experts are proven to be able to affect performance. The managerial implications of the companies need to strive to improve competence through education and training through training on the job training or fieldwork practices.
OHS expert competence; SMK3 performance; PLTGU-Priuk

How to cite:
Madefri, Refdi. & Sukwika, Tatan. (2021). Kajian Kompetensi Ahli K3 Terhadap Kinerja SMK3 pada PLTGU POMU Priuk. Jurnal Migasian, 5(2), 1-11 . doi:  

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Thursday, December 30, 2021





Andri Tri Susanto, Maya Dewi Dyah Maharani, Tatan Sukwika

Problems in PEP Asset 5 are in the form of unsafe behavior such as lack of knowledge and skills so that they fail to remind, secure, and identify hazards. PEKA PERISAI as an effort to prevent workplace accidents was officially implemented in 2020. This study aims to evaluate the application of PEKA PERISAI, the obstacles in its implementation, and the effect of PEKA PERISAI on K3 in PEP Asset 5. The study uses a qualitative and quantitative approach. Collecting data through interviews, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used ISM (Interpretative Structural Model) to evaluate the objectives and constraints in the application of PEKA PERISAI, and linear regression test to evaluate the effect of PEKA PERISAI on K3 in PEP Asset 5. The driving force is to support the implementation of the Pertamina HSE Golden Rules (Comply, Intervention, and Care), and the second objective is to provide coaching and counseling so that work is carried out safely according to procedures. (2) The evaluation of constraints based on ISM shows that all macro constraints are major obstacles, especially the lack of guidance, guidance, and supervision of hazard control. In 2020, 1,792 unsafe cases were found with 1,517 cases (84.65%) being human error (3) The application of PEKA PERISAI had a positive and significant effect on OHS by 16%, meaning that by increasing PEKA PERISAI, K3 in PEP Asset 5 can also increase..
evaluation; HSSE; ISM; peka perisai; PEP

How to cite:
Susanto, Andri Tri., Maharani, Maya Dewi Dyah., & Sukwika, Tatan. (2021). Evaluasi Penerapan Program “Peka Perisai” (Studi Kasus Bagian Pemboran dan WOWS PT. Pertamina EP Asset V). Jurnal Migasian, 5(2), 21-33 . doi:  

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Monday, November 29, 2021





Tatan Sukwika, Lidya Fransisca

Developing and maintaining forest sustainably is a way to support sustainable development. From the technical point of view, the sustainability of community forest could be articulated not only based on the three aspects i.e. economic (ECO), social culture (SOC), ecology (EGY), but it can also include dimensions of legal & institutional (LIT), and accessibility & technology (ACT). This study aims to determine variables of sustainability dimensions that have a direct positive effect on the sustainability of the community forests (SCF), to identify variables that affect SCF and variables of sustainability dimensions that have  dominant effect on SCF. This study employed 70 samples of forest farmers’ group in Bogor regency. The respondents were purposively selected based on consideration of the criteria for forest farmer groups namely beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The Analysis tools used PLS-SEM. Sustainability dimensions of ECO, EGY, LIT, and ACT have a significant positive direct effect on SCF. The mediational hypothesis testing suggested that there is a partial mediation from ECO and EGY to SCF, which is consistent and have a positive value. Based on the coefficient value of the total-effect, among the five dimensions, ecology value was the biggest and the most robust. The policy implies that the ecological aspects considered the importance and strategy. Therefore, the value and productivity of the community forest structure and composition need to be maintained.
Direct-indirect effect; effect mediation-total; PLS-SEM; sustainability

How to cite:
Sukwika, Tatan., & Fransisca, Lidya. (2021). The policy model for sustainable community forest: A factor analysis. Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research, 8(2), 135-157. doi:  

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Sunday, September 5, 2021





Tatan Sukwika, Said Azmi Muhammad

Clean water process production by PT Aetra Air Jakarta (AAJ) emits a lot of wastewater. All this time, a sludge drying bed is used for its production activities, where the sludge produced is not proportional to the area and length of drying time, so the unsatisfied sludge is eventually dumped into the water body. In line with the need to improve the quality of operational activities, clean water service providers are trying to create zero waste. They are environmentally friendly through the use of a decanter. The research objective was to determine the amount of sludge treated in the wastewater treatment process and measure water removal efficiency in sludge using a decanter. Methods of data collection through observation and testing of wastewater treatment using a decanter. The decanter treatment process starts from taking the sludge sample before it is processed; the sludge treatment process begins entering the decanter until the sludge is finished processing. The results showed that the average volume of sludge was 24.84 m 3, and the water removal efficiency was between 89–91%. The conclusion is that the set inflow rate is directly proportional to TSS while the efficiency of TSS water removal in the sludge is smaller so that the use of a decanter is greater. It recommended that the residual processing sludge be used as raw material for fertilizer production. The Pb and Zn content in the sludge does not exceed the quality standard.
Decanter, Clean Production, TSS, Sludge Volume

How to cite:
Sukwika, Tatan., & Muhammad, Said Azmi. (2021). Produksi bersih pengolahan limbah cair menggunakan decanter pada PT aetra air Jakarta. Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 22(2), 206-214. doi:  

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Gatot Sutrisno, Tatan Sukwika

The incidence of work accident rates tends to be volatile due to ineffective patterns of cooperation and communication between employees and leaders understanding OHS. The purpose of this study is to examine safety leadership, the commitment of OHS experts, accountability to job satisfaction & safety performance. The research analysis method used the PLS or partial least square modeling test. Data collection using questionnaire answer results with a sample of 99 employees. The results show that job satisfaction is significantly affected by safety leadership, and OHS expert commitment and responsibility and safety performance are affected by safety leadership and job satisfaction. The variable commitment and accountability of OHS experts have no significant impact on company performance. The conclusion found workers were satisfied that safety leadership, OHS expert commitments, and accountability could be applied, resulting in improved safety performance. On the other hand, OHS experts have no commitment and accountability to improve safety performance. This situation is due to workers' lack of commitment to implementing OHS and accountabilities. Managerial implications require the OHS aspect to be an integral part of the company's operations and the consequences for improving safety performance standards.
Leadership, OHS Expert, Accident, Accountability, Performance

How to cite:
Sutrisno, Gatot., & Sukwika, Tatan. (2021). Kepemimpinan keselamatan, komitmen ahli K3, akuntabilitas terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja keselamatan. Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan, 5(1), 34-47. doi:  

Jurnal Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Bisnis by is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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Wednesday, June 30, 2021





I Dewa Gede Ganapati, Tatan Sukwika, Yohanes Sulistyadi

The sharing economy platforms in the accommodation, such as Airbnb, gain more public attention. Several hoteliers in Indonesia have complained about the unequal playing of the field due to the alleged tax violations. Some studies on the impact of Airbnb have been discussed in various countries, but this subject has not been widely conducted in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the impact of Airbnb on the conventional hotel industry in Bali and how the conventional hotel’s  response to compete with Airbnb. This research was conducted using qualitative research. Data was collected through interviews and secondary data collection. Interviews were conducted with representatives of hoteliers, Airbnb owners, and hospitality associations in Bali. Using forecasting analysis, this study finds that the presence of Airbnb in Bali has an impact on the occupancy rate of conventional hotels in Bali. However, there doesn't a significant impact from Airbnb regarding the hospitality revenue. Meanwhile, conventional hoteliers generally do not make particular efforts to compete with Airbnb. This research implies for the managerial side of hotels and public programs and policies, especially for the Government of Bali in the future to pay attention to consumer protection to provide equal action between conventional hotel and Airbnb owners.
Impact of Airbnb, Sharing Economy, Hotels

How to cite:
Ganapati, I Dewa Gede., Sukwika, Tatan., & Sulistyadi. Yohanes. (2021). Analisis dampak platform peer-to-peer airbnb terhadap usaha perhotelan konvensional di provinsi Bali. Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan, 5(1), 34-47. doi:  

Jurnal Kepariwisataan: Destinasi, Hospitalitas dan Perjalanan by is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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Tuesday, June 8, 2021





Nurul Hikmah, Tatan Sukwika

As a public health facility, the hospital serves as society's primary goal for health fulfillment. As a public facility, the hospital must be safe from unexpected events that can endanger life and health problems, as well as damage to buildings, loss of assets, and the surrounding environment. As a result, this situation must be anticipated so that it does not have disastrous consequences. The goal of this study was to identify potential hazards and risk-control efforts at the Jakarta Medical Center Hospital (JMCH). This study is a descriptive analysis. The results of the study using a hazard identification risk assessment (HIRA) obtained two levels of risk, namely low and medium risk levels; fire safety risk assessment (FSRA) obtained three levels of risk, namely high (priority 1), medium (priority 2), and low (priority 3); and hazard vulnerability assessment (HVA) it is known that natural disasters are the most dangerous potential hazards. To summarize, the JMCH building poses a risk of danger and the potential for fires in a variety of categories. Furthermore, potential disaster risks can be caused by natural disasters, technological hazards, human hazards, and hazardous materials. One way to reduce these risks is to strengthen the safety program with the help of building managers.
Disasters, HIRA-HVA, Medical center hospital, Risk assessment

How to cite:
Hikmah, Nurul, & Sukwika, Tatan. (2021). Analisis hazard vulnerability terhadap mitigasi bencana di rumah sakit Jakarta medical center. Teknika: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, 17(1), 43-47. doi:  

Teknika: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi by is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License



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Suci Amaliah, Maya Dewi Diyah Maharani, Tatan Sukwika

This research was aimed at developing a quality management implementation plan strategy based on ISO 9001: 2015 using the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method in the Chemical Engineering Department of Balongan Oil and Gas Academy. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The results of research using the ISM method showed that in the elements of need there were key requirements needed in the strategy for the preparation of the implementation of QMS ISO 9001: 2015 in the Chemical Engineering Department of Balongan Oil and Gas Academy, namely the leadership sub-element and in the constraint elements there were key constraints on the implementation of the ISO 9001 QMS: 2015 at the Chemical Engineering Department of Balongan Oil and Gas Academy, namely the insufficiency of the role of top management to ensure that the quality management system had achieved the expected results and institutional management had not yet determined a change plan for the quality management system.
Implementation, Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2015, Higher Education, ISM

How to cite:
Amaliah, Suci., Maharani, Maya Dewi Diyah., & Sukwika, Tatan. (2021). Implementasi sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2015 pada prodi teknik kimia akademi minyak dan gas balongan: Metode ISM. Jurnal Migasian, 5(1), 9-18. doi:  

Jurnal Migasian by is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License



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