Friday, June 1, 2018


Cecep Kusmana, Tatan Sukwika


This study discusses the perception and preference of coastal community, what they want and how they prioritize the utilization of mangrove ecosystem and channelbar. Analysis factor is used to measure variables in the models. The highest mangrove ecosystem damage is caused by community activities to mangrove forest resources. To rehabilitate the mangrove ecosystem the government must provide employment opportunities to substitute their income. Alternative occupation that becomes preference is utilizing non timber forest product that has economic value and give it the added value as tertiary product; cooperation of environmental services through utilization of channelbar; supporting the creation of ecotourism zone and environmental education along with its flora and fauna. As to the policy implication that can be implemented the government must protect the mangrove forest area for habitat preservation.



Alluviation, aggradation, sedimentation, alternative income, sustainability



How to cite this article:
Kusmana C., Sukwika T., 2018 Coastal community preference on the utilization of mangrove ecosystem and channelbar in Indramayu, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 11(3):905-918.




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